0.5 % W/V EC (Deltamethrin)
The product is good for killing and preventing mosquitos in your own house.
How to use:
The product must be used by an expert only.
For regular spraying, just mix 1ml of the product with 70ml of kerosene. Then spray the composition for 100ml per 100 square metres.
For ULV use, mix 1ml of the product with 10ml of kerosene. Then spray the composition for 10ml per 100 square metres.
How to keep: Keep the product away from kids, pets and food.
Common name : Deltamethrin
Formulation : 0.5% W/V EC
Trade name : DELGUARD 50
Packaging : 12 x 1L ,20 L
Use profile : Deltamethrin is for use in the control of household insects such as mosquitoes.